Monday, May 11, 2020

Life's stresses...just read....

Life these days is tough...
We are all under a lot of stress...
What if anything are you doing to help alleviate the stress?

For me, my stress reliever is reading.  There have been times within the past couple of weeks where I want to read to escape reality but my brain wants nothing to do with it.  It makes me sad at times as I usually devour at least two or three books a week and keep my blog up-to-date daily with book posts but something has just been off.  I do have a lot on my plate but I wish it didn't affect my reading.  I am sure I am not alone and is it really the end of the world that my brain won't let me read in the long scheme of things....probably not but it still makes me sad.  

I love finding new authors,  I love rereading books that I loved.  I love messaging authors and either telling them how much I loved the book or yelling and screaming at them for what happened in the book.  Some of my friends to this day still can't believe that I message the author directly - they just don't get it I think.  I finished an ARC by Lisa Shelby over the weekend and I am still in a book hangover from reading The End but I did jump right into my next read which is A Woman's Touch by Delaney Foster.  I can't wait to tell you all about it so stay tuned for a new blog post about it this week.

What are you reading?  Anything good that I should be one-clicking?  As much as I love sharing books with you all, I am just as guilty as one-clicking 99.9% of the books that I share.  I have a serious one-click problem that if my husband only knew I would probably be cut off completely from everything.  I have more books than I can count on my kindle but when it's time to read a book (when I don't have an ARC or a book I have that I've been dying to read) I don't want to read any of the books there so I go and one-click more books.  I can't be the only one who does this!  It's a serious problem and I think we all could use a bookaholic support group or we can just embrace who we are and just ignore that there may or may not be a problem.

Let's stay positive in this crazy world that we are currently in and know that we will be ok.  Grab a book and a cup of coffee and go escape into the wonderful world the Authors create for us.  

Thank you for stopping by...
Till Next Time.....

Love - E

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